TSL262R-LF (Light to Voltage)

  • Overview:
  • The TSL262R is an infrared light-to-voltage optical sensor, combining a photodiode and a transimpedance amplifier on a single monolithic IC. Output voltage is directly proportional to the light intensity (irradiance) on the photodiode. This device has improved amplifier offset-voltage stability and low power consumption and are supplied in a 3-lead plastic sidelooker package with an integral visible light cutoff filter and lens. Feedback resistor is 2.8 MOhms

    Product Features:
    • Monolithic Silicon IC Containing Photodiode, Op Amp, and Feedback Resistor- 2.8 MegaOhm
    • Integral Visible Light Cutoff Filter
    • Low Dark (Offset) Voltage
    • Wide Supply-Volytage Range (2.7V to 5.5V)
    • High Irradiance Responsivity
    • Compact 3-Lead Plastic Package
    • RoHS Compliant (-LF Package Only)

      Specifications: Details:
      Voltage Range:  Min:2.7  Max:5.5
      Risetime:  7.00
      Output Type:  Voltage
      Responsivity (mV/(µW/cm²)):  9.10
      Responsivity wavelength:  940.00
